Sunday, 2 February 2014

Birds amongst the puddles

So, it's still raining. Almost all my local areas are flooded. Pete and I decided to head out to Brownhills on Saturday morning hoping to see the Glossy Ibis that has been frequenting some horse paddocks there. We were in luck. I a bitterly cold wind we attempted to take some decent shots of this magnificent bird.

At first the bird remained distant. About 80 yards I would estimate. In case this was the closest it was going to come or something or someone spooking it, I decided to take some record shots. This is with the iPhone 4S hand held to the SDL zoom eyepiece attached to my HR 66 GA ED.


Glossy Ibis. iScoped.

Then, as luck would have it, the Ibis came closer. This allowed me to use my Canan SX40 to capture some decent pictures.

Three pictures I'm very pleased with of a local Glossy Ibis.

As I am jotting this down on Saturday evening, I'm thinking about where I can go tomorrow morning. The rain is still thrashing against my back door, so maybe I will go and check the floods out on some of my patch areas?

Sunday morning and as expected, a lot of the Moors and my other local birding spots are underwater.

Moors flooded fields

Had a wander about with Jon, and we also year ticked a a Goldcrest.

Looking for Goldcrests
Car Park closed
Pit almost level with car park

I did bump into an old friend again on The Pit. One of the Canada-Greylag hybrids that frequent the pools along the Tame.

More rain forecast! Let's see what next weekend brings.


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